New Orleans City Park Winter Elopement

Taryn and Varun celebrated their marriage with a (unseasonably warm) winter elopement in New Orleans City Park! After meeting and falling in love during their medical residency, they are currently living several states apart as Taryn begins practicing as a doctor and Varun finishes up his training in Mississippi. New Orleans was the perfect place fo them to romantically rendezvous and get married!

There are so many gorgeous trees in City Park right off City Park Avenue – we told them to take their pick!

Taryn’s dress was so beautiful – and perfect for the warm weather we were having in December!

Ranna from Let’s Elope New Orleans is such a dear friend of mine, and her warm presence is always so welcome on a day that can bring some jitters.

Varun’s vows were so touching! (Taryn’s, too!)

The sun came out right as they exchanged rings and their first kiss as husband and wife.

After everything was official, we explored City Park together for more elopement portraits!

There are so many gorgeous corners of the park within walking distance, we had a wonderful time walking around and finding all of them!

Congratulations, Taryn and Varun! I can’t wait to see what you do with your wonderful life together!

PS – liked this winter City Park New Orleans elopement? See another one here!

  1. […] PS – liked this New Orleans City Park island elopement? Check out another elopement in City Park here! […]

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Sarah Becker