French Quarter Art Gallery Wedding

Kelly and Jake are both admirers (and collectors!) of Franke Relle‘s gorgeous photography, and he generously opened up his French Quarter art gallery for their wedding! It was so unique and perfect for this intimate celebration.

The bride arrived in a stunning green velvet dress – knew we were in for a good time.

All the gallery needed was a bride and groom – it was seriously so gorgeous, plants and candles and art everywhere! Frank you are a dream.

Kelly and Jake had the most hilarious and sweetest ceremony, I kept literally laughing out loud.

My favorite shot of the ceremony.

Woohoo! They did it!

We had to jaunt around the French Quarter in perfect weather for more portraits after the ceremony. Congratulations Kelly and Jake!

PS – liked this French Quarter wedding? Here’s another one!

  1. […] PS = liked this New Orleans wedding at Hotel Monteleone? Check out another French Quarter wedding here! […]

  2. […] PS – liked this wedding at New Orleans Bevolo? Check out another New Orleans French Quarter wedding here! […]

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Sarah Becker