Beth and Carson traveled to New Orleans from Florida for their beautiful elopement at the Court of the Two Sisters! A few days before, we weren’t sure if everything would go as planned as we had a hurricane headed toward us. At the last minute, the hurricane shifted west and their original plans were a go.
Court of the Two Sisters is a magical oasis located in the most active part of the French Quarter. It’s been a restaurant since at least the 1920s, and an important piece of architecture for decades before that. Their courtyard was the perfect place for Beth and Carson to start their marriage!
Before the ceremony, Beth and Carson took part in the charm gates tradition. The charm gates at the Royal Street entrance were wrought in Spain especially for The Court of the Two Sisters. Queen Isabella of Spain blessed them before they were sent to New Orleans in hopes that their charm would pass on to anyone who touched them.
Beth and Carson have been together nearly a decade (!) and as their officiant said, this isn’t the beginning of their relationship – just a milestone further committing to each other. Beth and Carson wrote their own vows and could both barely get through them – their three guests were all teary, too!
After the ceremony, we toasted with champagne and took some portraits around the courtyard. Congratulations, Beth + Carson!
PS – like this Court of Two Sisters elopement? Learn how to elope in New Orleans here!
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