Butler Fountain City Park Elopement

Kailee and Evan chose to have their elopement in New Orleans City Park at Butler Fountain with just their closest family and friends. Butler Fountain is nestled right in the Oaks on City Park Avenue and is such a gorgeous place for a small elopement!

Evan’s mom showed up a little early to have a moment with Evan and pin on his boutinniere.

Choosing the perfect afternoon ceremony time met the light was totally golden!

Such a sweet first look right before the ceremony!

I mean, come on!

Kailee also had such a sweet moment with her dad.

Time to get married!

Woohoo! Right after the ceremony, they had a mother/son and father/daughter dance right by the fountain.

After the dances, I took Kailee and Evan around the park for some couples portraits.

We got all the golden hour this sunset had to offer!

PS – like this Butler Fountain New Orleans City Park Elopement? Check out another one here!

  1. […] Ready for another City Park elopement? Me too! […]

  2. […] PS – liked this Butler Fountain New Orleans elopement? Check out another one here! […]

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Sarah Becker