Rainy Tree of Life Elopement in New Orleans

Not even COVID and Tropical Storm Christobol combined could stop this rainy elopement in New Orleans at the Tree of Life!

Corey + Daniela have been together for six years and chose the sixth day of the sixth month of the year to get married – we gathered with a few members of Corey’s family (including Barley, who totally steals the show in this family picture) and nearly 100 of Daniela’s family and their friends joined via Zoom!

Daniela + Corey often come to Audubon Park to take walks (their favorite thing to do together), so the Tree of Life within the park was the perfect place for them to start their marriage.

Daniela made her own dress!

The Jewish tradition of the hakafot has the bride circling the groom (and now, in more modern times, the groom circling the bride) at the very beginning of the ceremony. The circling provides a “wall of protection” for each of them, and then their relationship as they circle each other at the very end.

Then, a tradition from Daniela’s home country of Colombia, they washed each other’s feet.

The ceremony was officiated by Touro Synagogue’s wonderful Cantor Kevin Margolius.

At this point the rain was really coming down, but I barely noticed! The tree’s thick branches kept us from getting completely soaked.

Corey’s mom had the best expressions the whole ceremony!

Sun came out for the very end!

After the ceremony, they said hi to everyone on Zoom!

Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of such a joyous day, Corey and Daniela!

PS – Enjoyed this rainy elopement in New Orleans Tree of Life? Click here to learn more about getting married at the Tree of Life!

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Sarah Becker