Emma Fick is an absolutely incredible artist in New Orleans and I’m obsessed with her creative branding photos! She invited me into her stunning at home studio full of plants, her hand collection (!!), paint swatches, and neighborhood cats (they mostly stay outside). Please join me on this tour of Emma’s gorgeous home where she works and plays!
Emma is a total plant lady – just watching her water a few was soothing and reminded me I need more plants.
Isn’t this an amazing workspace?!
Emma has dozens if not hundreds of gorgeous books she draws inspiration from – these are all textiles!
Emma is a twice-published author and she brought out her original sketches for me to see and photograph.
Emma Fick, Plant Lady: outdoors edition!
Emma walked me through her morning (and afternoon) ritual of making coffee.
When you produce your work at home, you need a smart space to store all your work – I loved Emma’s hallway shelves filled with all her prints and products.
Thank you, Emma!
PS – love artist Emma Fick’s photos? Check out another incredible artist here!
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